Month: October 2015

The Getty: So Much More Than A Museum

The Getty: So Much More Than A Museum

The Getty Museum is one of our favourite places to visit in Los Angeles . I love everything about it, from the architecture with the white limestone and marble to the tram ride up the hill to the museum. There’s just a certain energy to 

Review: Inn of the Seventh Ray

Review: Inn of the Seventh Ray

The Inn of the Seventh Ray is one of the great hidden treasures in Los angeles. Located in Topanga canyon, it is not clearly visible from the main road, instead it is the side road which is its access, and is located right across from 

In Love with Garance Doré’s Lifestyle

In Love with Garance Doré’s Lifestyle

Garance Doré  has that cool-girl-you-just-want-to-be-friends-with vibe going on. Actually, she’s from Corsica, and her Southern French heritage is a big part of her lifestyle, as you can imagine.

Her style is “insoucient” perfection. Never contrived, but somehow always put together and spot on. She has just released a new book; Love, Style, Life by Garance Doré ($30 at

As you can imagine from the title, she muses about a variety of topics, ranging from cooking (olive oil is a must) to taking the time to enjoy a siesta during the lunch break. She talks about  a much slower lifestyle, about buying fresh food and produce daily, and taking the time to savour every bite. She talks about meeting friends, and lingering over coffee at the local café.

In the South of France, I also marvelled at the difference in lifestyle from that in North America, in which we are constantly harried and hurrying to our next meeting. So many people are never really present in the moment. Garance Doré’s message is a really simple one, but I think it is critical for people.  People need to slow down and take a cue from cultures such as Southern France or Italy. After all, the work will still be there when you return from lunch, but if you return refreshed, won’t you be a happier, calmer, and more productive worker? If we keep our work life balance in perspective, we will be better off (an important message from Garance Doré’s book).

Bravo Garance!

Quebec City, Quebec (Canada) Getaway

Quebec City, Quebec (Canada) Getaway

Quebec City is an incredibly picturesque European-like city, yet it is located only an hour and a half plane ride from Manhattan. Old Quebec, as it is called, is a UNESCO World Heritage treasure. It is the only walled city north of Mexico in North 

Janessa Leone Hat I’m Obsessed With

Janessa Leone Hat I’m Obsessed With

Janessa Leone hats are owned by almost everyone in LA. They are timeless and elegant. Because of the unrelenting heat, wearing a hat has switched from being a fashionable choice to a necessity during its’ sweltering summers. Each of Janessa Leone’s hats is handmade by 

Carolyn Cerf De Dudzeezle: Legendary Fashion Stylist

Carolyn Cerf De Dudzeezle: Legendary Fashion Stylist

Cutouts of Carolyn Cerf De Dudzeezle 's work

(all images, courtesy of Harpers Bazaar)                                                                                                        Last week, I came across a folder of magazine editorials I had saved, all from various magazines. There was something about the styling in all of those photos that stopped me in my tracks. It was that inexplicable thing that makes you stop and gaze at a photo and then want to come back to it yet again to more closely examine the details. I had been collecting these photos for some time, when one day I realized who the stylist was. I was shocked to realize they had all been styled by the same person: Carolyn Cerf De Dudzeezle.

I won’t bore you with her long ‘histoire’ in the fashion industry, except to tell you that she is a legend (WIKI). She’s most notably famous for her mix of couture and street style. She has remained faithful to this style throughout her career as evidenced by even her most recent work. The important lessons we can learn from her, and that Carolyn Cerf de Dudzeezle is frequently quoted as saying:

  1. Nothing is ever de modé. The classics are always in style.
  2. Simplicity is what defines chic.
  3. It’s about the mix of the pieces. That juxtaposition of styles, silhouettes, and materials, are what make it interesting.
  4. If you have personal style, you can mix anything and be the chicest person in the world.
  5. Chic is not about money, it’s about knowing how to put yourself together.
  6. Intuition is the most important thing. “I don’t follow trends. I hate, hate, hate trends. I interpret fashion and create my own story”.
  7.  You need to be born with a certain innate sense of style. You cannot learn style.

While the length and sheer volume of Carolyn Cerf De Dudzeezle’s work clearly speak for itself, it is these lessons that serve to define her. The mere fact that she works in an industry based on trends, and yet she doesn’t believe in following them, preferring to remain true to herself, is very significant.

This is what truly defines a legend; someone who inspires us, but teaches as well.